diumenge, 31 de gener del 2010


Ahir, dissabte 30 de gener, cap a les 12 del migdia, va néixer el TON.
Avui els hem anat a veure i hem fet aquestes primeres fotos (han sortit una mica borroses, però s'hi pot veure bé com es de guapo el fill i com ho és la mare).
Enhorabona a l’Elena, el Quim, l’Eloi, els avis, els tiets, els cosins... i tota la família! (Joan)

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Moltes i moltes felicitats, ara estareu encara mes animats !!!

Anònim ha dit...

It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies.. The ProForm XP owner's manual provides detailed instructions on how to adjust the reed switch. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycling Clothing[/url] Storage containers add bulk and take up too much pack space. Use plastic zipper bags instead. Department of Agriculture standards for dried fruits). This pressure increase can break the mantle. Maintaining proper pressure in the lantern is important and kerosene and liquid fuel lantern tanks include a pump attached to the tank for this purpose. Coleman recommends opening the pump by turning the knob and then pumping the knob approximately 30 times while using your thumb to cover the hole in the knob. Your brother always told you that you had a big head, and now you get to find out. Wrap a cloth tape measure around your head to get the measurement. Compare this to the sizing table provided by helmet manufacturers. they only seemed to do sone size of the sarsons pickling vinigar, not sure if I saw rassberry vinigar, I'll have to have a look round; they definatley had cider vinigar and some others I forget the bigger jars? probably easier too using bigger jars I guess I'll have to propposition the folk over in the farm shop this week, see what they can do me on their organic sharlotts onions, and see if they've any sources of jars for me, or for that matter for suitable vinigars hmm. if I can make totally orgnaic ones, then I might be able to sell em to him over the road too hang on. I've never* made pickled onions before, and I'm already thinking about setting up a mass producing set up in my kitchen and exporting them to the shop over the road.Make sure all of your pots and pans have close-fitting lids, then use them whenever possible--including when you're bringing boiled water up to temperature--which helps reducing cooking time and keeps heat wher eit belongs--in the pan. Pressure cookers are another great way to save energy, reducing cooking time by up to 70 percent. Of course, the most energy efficient cooking means leaving heat out of the equation altogether--don't forget about salads, chilled soups, and other dishes that require little prep and can be eaten cold. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycle Jersey[/url] Honestly, the concept of disposable plastic items has got to be one of the most stupid ideas in human history, "disposable plastics are made for a one-time use as they end up as toxic waste that lasts almost forever". It's "convenient" and cheap in the short term, and polluting and cancer-causing in the not-so-short term. A shocking factoid: Americans use 2.5 million bottles every hour. As running is gradually resumed, it may be important to make sure that the shoes being worn are providing adequate cushioning. A change of shoes may be in order. Wearing a cushioned insole has also been shown to reduce the ground-reaction forces transferred from the foot to the leg.